Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Asia » Japan » Nara » NaraOctober 12th 2018
We went on a day trip to Nara today, taking the train first to the temple at Horyuji . Horyuji Temple (法隆寺, Hōryūji) was founded in 607 by Prince Shotoku, who is credited with the early promotion of Buddhism in Japan. Horyuji is one of the country's oldest temples and contains the world's oldest surviving wooden structures. We walked a little more than a mile to the temple, since the bus wouldn't leave for almost an hour. There were signs all the way in English, so it was easy to find. Unfortunately, the entrance fee was three times more than the average temple, and the main feature, the ancient gate built in 607, was closed for repairs. We still visited the site, viewing the Five Story Pagoda, also built 607. It was ... read more
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